
Most cyber attacks start with an exploit – I know how to make them go away

Yet another new Ransomware with a new sophisticated approach?

Pay attention that the key section in the description on the way it operates is “The malware arrives to affected systems via an email attachment.?When users?execute the attached malicious JavaScript file, it will?download four files from its C&C server:”

When users execute the JavaScript files it means the JavaScript was loaded into the browser application and exploited the browser in order to get in and then start all the heavy lifting. The browser is vulnerable, software is vulnerable, it’s a given fact of an imperfect world.

I know a startup company, called Morphisec which is eliminating those exploits in a very surprising and efficient way.?

In general vulnerabilities are considered to be a chronic disease and this does not have to be this way. Some smart guys and girls are working on a cure:)

Remember, it all starts with the exploit.