
Cutting Down North Korea’s Internet

Could be interesting to understand whether cutting down North Korea from the internet was a defensive measure due to a huge amount of ongoing attacks or was it just a preventive measure. Definitely cutting down the internet has become another weapon in the war chest of the US. The question is now: do other countries have such power of cutting down areas? The net infrastructure should be evaluated for such attack vector.

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A Tectonic Shift in Superpowers or What Sony Hack Uncovered to Everyone Else

Sony hack has flooded my news feed in recent weeks, everyone talking about how it was done, why, whom to blame, the trails which lead to North Korea, and the politics around it. I?ve been following the story from the first report with an unexplained curiosity and was not sure why since I read about hacks all day long. A word of explanation about my “weird” habit of following hacks continuously, being a CTO of…

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What does cross platform mean?

Cross-platform is tricky. It seems like a small “technical” buzzword but actually, it is one of the biggest challenges for many technology companies and has different aspects for different people in the organization and outside of it. Developer Point of View It all starts with the fact that applications can potentially be targeted towards different computing devices. To get more people to use your applications you would like it to run on more and more…

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